We offer three levels of editing:
Spelling, grammar, punctuation, and typos are corrected.
In addition to proofreading, sentence structure and transitions are enhanced.
In addition to proofreading and copy editing, attention is given to content and the overall structure of the document.
Completion and return within 48 hours is often available. A fee of 40% of the total is added to the bill for rush editing.
Send 5–10 representative pages to receive an estimate for the cost of editing your document. Please include the total number of pages and the level of editing service you would like to see applied. You will receive an estimate within 24 hours.
Our page-to-hour ratio leads the competition. Typically, we edit an average of 15 double-spaced pages per hour.*
Hourly rate: $90 per hour. This typically works out to between $3.00 and $6 per page. Student rate: $80 per hour.
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* Editing speed varies depending on font size, the density and complexity of the text, and the author’s fluency in English.